Fast Tracks

See New HO Sweepsticks listed. Are they easements?
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Author:  SLI_Fallen [ Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  See New HO Sweepsticks listed. Are they easements?

I see several new HO scale curved sweepsticks listed with "ridiculously huge" radius on the website. Looks to me as though they are close curvatures to easement radius mentioned in the NMRA Data Sheets (D3b.3 specifically)

Is this true? If so, how would you use them to connect to the "normal" sweepstick. Say with a 36" radius sweepstick set. 3 or 4 with 36 and then 2 of say the 120"(or one 120" lets say and one 60".) ?

I REALLY want to still use sweepsticks even though I want easements. The reason is that I use M.E. flextrack. It needs to stay bent into its desired radius once conformed to the sweepstick as my method that I use to superelevate the track will not work on "overly flexible" track like Atlas. That and its much easier to use the same type of track as your turnouts are, and it has nicer spike detail. Anyways, I digress. I think there would be a way to connect sweepsticks of various radius to effectively make a easement tangent without having to resort to the "bent stick" method. (which personally I don't think would lend itself to stiff M.E. flextrack well AT ALL.)

EDIT: Also, are *ALL* the sweepsticks cut so SIX of the same radius will create a "perfect" 1/4 circle (90°)? Because if this is true the larger the radius, the larger the sweepstick length has to be (over the 10" dimension given on the web site) to still only need six to create a 1/4 circle. (there is a reason for this, I promise) ;-)

And BTW, I will be co-hosting a Fast Tracks clinic at the April Cumberland Division (SER-NMRA) Spring Meet in Nashville. :D

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