Fast Tracks

Just having too much fun.
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Author:  tetters [ Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Just having too much fun.

Coming up with all kinds of wacky ideas lately. I'm having so much fun with handlaying my trackwork, I'll be upset when I finish up in the next few weeks or so. This is my latest effort into the realm of handlaying madness. :mrgreen:


It's a # 6 slip mated to a # 5 t.o. I was trying to solve a "problem" which I basically invented all on my own. I wanted to fit as much trackwork as I could into a specific area...and accidentally came up with this combo. It all checks out with my NMRA guage and trucks roll through fine after some fine tuning with a file. What this picture does not show are the hinged throwbar points I installed using the modified rail spike method, instead of the soldered points. I like the hinged points in this case as they allow the throwbar to remain parallel while throwing the points. I don't care if it is not prototypical works and it looks freaking cool IMHO! LOL!!!

Author:  emccamey [ Wed Feb 06, 2008 4:55 pm ]
Post subject: 


In a terminal - especially passenger, the combination would likely be very prototypical. Need not worry - it's your railroad. Enjoy!

Author:  tetters [ Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:08 am ]
Post subject: 

The funny thing about this project is that I never intended it to come out like this. While waiting for some more rail on order, I had a bunch of small lengths lying around and decided to build the dss a couple of weeks ago.

While messing around one night I got the crazy idea to see if I could use it somewhere in my switching layout's yard area. Initially I was just going to tack it on to an existing t.o. however, I didn't like the way the tracks where lining up. I then started "backing it up" until one of the guard rails and wing rails for the slip pretty much lined up directly over top of the same features on the t.o. It was a bit of a Eureka! moment right there.

Ultimately, it will sit at the front of the layout at the bottom of my yard ladder. It will provide me with, with one extra yard track, a full length round around track across the front of the yard and a stub track which will come across in front of my work bench area. I may park my locos on it while I work away on other RR projects or use it as a glorified programming track.

So yeah, the idea to use it in the manner I plan to, seems kinda ridiculous. However, like you said, it's my RR.

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